Bill To Create Livestock Database Passes Through Second Reading
The Senate is considering a bill to establish the national livestock bureau for the purpose of livestock identification, cattle rustling control, registration, and livestock disease control.
An act to establish the bill passed through second reading during legislation at the upper chamber on Tuesday.
The bill which is sponsored by Senator Muhammad Bima Enagi is aimed at sanitizing the livestock industry and addressing the persistent farmers/ herders clashes as well as cattle rustling in the country.
Senator Enagi while addressing the House said the proposed legislation will greatly enhance the development of the country’s livestock industry.
“Let me refresh our memory to the fact that this Bill passed through the Eighth Senate but unfortunately, it never went through. I want to say that the coming of this Bill is timely and should be supported,” he said.
The lawmaker added that the movement of livestock and their products has increased the spread of diseases, increased the threat to human health, and reduced consumer confidence in animal products.
The Bureau, when established, will ensure the traceability of animal products into the country, in order to safeguard the lives of citizens.
The Senator said the database would serve as a guide for policy formulation by the government and ensure the regulation of participants in the livestock business.
The Bill is read the Second Time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development to report back within four weeks.
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