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Prophetess pours hot water on husband's alleged mistress

A prophetess has poured hot water on one of the church singers under mere suspicions of having a romantic affair with her husband, who leads the church. 

The incident happened in a Douala, Cameroon based church. 

The prophetess known as Grace is the wife of Prophet Daniel Mbongchom. 

Grace had addressed her victim, Vanessa Kim as “fornicator”, accusing her of having sexual relations with Mbongchom.

Then she decided to give Vanessa a Christmas hot bath. 

Vanessa Kim, a member of the church’s choir, sustained second-degree burns on her back and behind her neck. 

The water also scarred her upper abdomen. Prophetess Grace has apologised on Facebook to Vanessa for the pains she caused. 

She has also sent her private messages, begging for forgiveness.

However, reports said she has been arrested by the police, while Vanessa recuperates in a Douala hospital.

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