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Health Minister Stirs Confusion On Casual Sex Ban Over COVID-19

A question mark hangs over whether hook-ups with members of other households are legal under new Covid-19 guidance for England.

Last week the Government reversed a decision made in June making it illegal for people to have sex unless they live together or are part of the same support bubble.

Updated guidelines now say people in an ‘established relationship’ do not need to socially distance, suggesting they can sleep with each other as if they were part of the same home.

It is not clear exactly what the Department of Health mean by ‘established’, but guidance also says those in the ‘early stages of a relationship’ should take extra precautions to follow social distancing .

It adds: ‘If you intend to have close contact with someone, you should discuss how you can help to prevent risks of transmission as a couple, for example, by ensuring you are both avoiding close contact with people you do not live with.’

Many took the new rules to mean casual sex was still off the table, but the Daily Mail’s political editor Jason Groves tweeted that Downing Street are now suggesting it is allowed after all.

He said: ‘No 10 now suggesting casual sex is not illegal, but sources urging people to “behave sensibly”.’ In an attempt to find out if ‘early stage’ covers friends with benefits style arrangements, hook-ups, one night stands, or people who just want to take things slowly and not put a label on it, Metro.co.uk went to the Department of Health for answers.

They referred us back to the same published guidance without answering the question or elaborating on what they mean by ‘early stage’.

New guidance on sex still does not apply to large parts of the Midlands and the north of England which are under local lockdown restrictions, including Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle.

Separate rules prohibit social gatherings between multiple households in any private homes or gardens. Earlier this month health minister Lord Bethnell said he was ‘deeply concerned’ about students spreading coronavirus ‘in pubs, clubs and bedrooms up and down the country’ as they celebrated freshers’ week.

He acknowledged that new Covid-19 restrictions will have an impact on students’ social lives but urged them to take responsibility for their actions and to avoid sleepovers.

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